• 603-635-1302
  • 12 Alexandria Drive,

    Pelham, NH 03076


Welcome to New Hampshire

Our team is a unique bunch of bright, focussed and talented individuals who enjoy working hard, love challenges and believe in bringing you the best experience possible.

Our Services

Look no further than Newhampshireconcretecutting.com – your one-stop destination for concrete services. We offer an exhaustive range of concrete services to make your life easier.

Core Drilling

A core drill is an incredibly powerful tool for boring holes through various materials, such as concrete...

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Core Cutting

Before you start operating with a concrete saw, its operation manual should be read and understood, because...

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Friendly – Professional – Experienced

We have a proven track record of successfully completing the smallest to the largest projects in concrete cutting and core drilling. With the use of innovative technologies, we ensure high levels of client satisfaction in every concrete cutting, drilling or coring contract that we take up.

Depend on us to deliver work on time and well within your budget. We are prompt in our dealings and waste no time to heed the call of our clients.

Our specialist service offers accuracy, reliability, promptness, quality, and reasonable pricing. People who deal with us return again and again and even recommend others to do the same.

What we do

We serve Southern New Hampshire and are popular for offering expert Concrete Cutting, Concrete Sawing, Concrete Core drilling, Concrete Coring and Concrete Demolition services.

We are indeed the Concrete (Cutting, Sawing and Drilling) services specialist in all over the New Hampshire! Call us today and get full value for money on your construction projects.